Commit Briefs

35bde0c11e Oliver Lowe

lemmy: cache posts from post list, too (master)

cc18f53a51 Oliver Lowe

lemmy: implement comment ModTime

635ade7fa0 Oliver Lowe

lemmy: implement client-side community, post caching

Servers now provide a Cache-Control header in the HTTP response, so we can use that for some dead simple caching.

ed1a61d709 Oliver Lowe

lemmy/fs: implement post text file

c8d63abe54 Oliver Lowe

lemmy: make zero client ok

5802ed4c60 Oliver Lowe

fs: let it compile


a439d275a8 Oliver Lowe

lemmy/fs: KISS. Keep posts and comments as files in the same dir

Kinda like NNTP.

d4b74d7a68 Oliver Lowe

cmd/Lemmy: show real usernames, render comment threads

To make this easier and smaller, we now use the lemmy package directly rather than the filesystem interface. Can't think of a nice way to use that filesystem (yet?).

2a4edef3d0 Oliver Lowe

lemmy: decode person, counts from API responses

We want these so we can render the info easily in clients



This repository contains no tags


LICENSEcommits | blame
README.mdcommits | blame
auth.gocommits | blame
cache.gocommits | blame
client.gocommits | blame
client_test.gocommits | blame
decode.gocommits | blame
decode_test.gocommits | blame
go.modcommits | blame
go.sumcommits | blame
lemmy.gocommits | blame


Package lemmy provides a client interface to a subset of the Lemmy HTTP API version 3.

	go get

## Development

Please send patches, questions or a friendly "hello" to the [mailing list]:

	git send-email --to="~otl/" HEAD^

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[mailing list]: