- Description:
- Go package to interact with the Icinga HTTP API
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Commit Briefs
Update to working godoc host (master)
Always return a usable Client (tags/v0.1.0)
Just because we have an error connecting to the server doesn't mean the client's configuration is invalid. Callers can inspect the error we return and decide what to do with the returned client.
Trim const type prefix
Not needed and easier to read when exposed in UI.
cmd/checkweb: start experimental basic web app for icinga2
No relational databases or server-side dependencies required. Requires docs!
Store notes and notes_url object attributes
Used to document, explain stuff. Useful!
initial event stream implementation
Documentation too. It's not quite clear enough that callers need to handle resubscribing on any errors reading the stream. It's documented for Subscribe but example usage would be good too.
package icinga provides a client to the Icinga2 HTTP API. [![builds.sr.ht status](https://builds.sr.ht/~otl/icinga.svg)](https://builds.sr.ht/~otl/icinga?) [![godoc](http://pkg.go.dev/badge/olowe.co/icinga)](http://pkg.go.dev/olowe.co/icinga) Send patches, questions or a friendly "hello" to the mailing list: [~otl/public-inbox@lists.sr.ht](mailto:~otl/public-inbox@lists.sr.ht) Or, read [the archives][list]. ## Quick Start See the [package overview godoc][godocs] for getting started examples. [godocs]: https://godocs.io/olowe.co/icinga ## Development Some code is automatically generated. Ensure it's up-to-date before starting work: go generate Make some changes, then run the tests: go test Please send any patches to the [mailing list][list]: git send-email --to="~otl/public-inbox@lists.sr.ht" HEAD^ For those unfamiliar with this workflow, see [git-send-email.io][sendemail]. [list]: https://lists.sr.ht/~otl/public-inbox [sendemail]: https://git-send-email.io ### Tests Some tests use a fake, in-process Icinga server. Not all features of the API are implemented, but on any unsupported request it should report an error. The fake server uses an in-memory map to store Icinga2 objects, which maps object's path in the API request (e.g. "objects/hosts/text.example.com") to the object's attributes (e.g. `check_command` and `display_name`). Some tests dial an instance of Icinga2 running on the loopback address and the standard Icinga2 port 5665 (`::1:5665`). If this fails, those tests are skipped. To run these tests, create the following API user: object ApiUser "icinga" { password = name permissions = [ "*" ] } Getting data from the loopback interface to an Icinga server is left as an exercise to the reader! Personally, I run an Alpine Linux virtual machine using qemu. You could also use the [official Icinga2 container image][image]. [image]: https://hub.docker.com/r/icinga/icinga2 ### Code generation Source code for the basic lookup, create and delete operations of some Icinga2 object types, such as Host and Service, are generated automatically. To generate the code, ensure the following tools are available: * POSIX shell (/bin/sh) * awk * gofmt The shell script crud.sh writes Go source code by reading a template file and doing some text substitution. It loops through object types, piping the template file crud.skel into the awk script crud.awk for each. crud.sh writes code to the standard output by default: ./crud.sh If the flag `-o` is set, code will be written to the file specified instead of to standard output: ./crud.sh -o crud.go Code generation is used because the functions are trivial and call the exact same underlying methods on Client anyway. The only thing that differs is the type. Perhaps when Go gets type parameters then this will go away? ## Why Another Package? The [icinga2 terraform provider][tf] uses the package [github.com/lrsmith/go-icinga2-api/iapi][lrsmith]. As I read the source code I felt I wasn't reading idiomatic Go as detailed in documents like [Effective Go][effectivego]. Other properties of `iapi` felt unusual to me: * The client to the API has the confusing name `server`. * Every HTTP request creates a new http.Client. * Types have superfluous names like `HostStruct` instead of just `Host`. * Every response body from the API is decoded from JSON into one data strucutre, marshalled into JSON again, then unmarshalled back into another. * Every error returned from a function has a new name, rather than reusing the idiomatic name `err`. If I was being paid, I'd create a fork and contribute patches upstream to carefully avoid breaking functionality of existing users of `iapi`. But I'm not being paid ;) [effectivego]: https://go.dev/doc/effective_go [tf]: https://registry.terraform.io/providers/Icinga/icinga2/latest [lrsmith]: https://godocs.io/github.com/lrsmith/go-icinga2-api/iapi