# dishy
[![Go Documentation](https://godocs.io/olowe.co/dishy?status.svg)](https://godocs.io/olowe.co/dishy)
Package dishy provides an interface to manage a Starlink Dishy device over the network.
## `dishy` command
The `dishy` command controls a dishy device over the network.
See the [command documentation][cmd].
To install using the go tools:
go install olowe.co/dishy/cmd/dishy@latest
[cmd]: https://godocs.io/olowe.co/dishy/cmd/dishy
## gRPC Code Generation
A starlink device supports gRPC [server reflection][reflection].
This is used to eventually generate code to interact with its gRPC service.
Regenerating the code requires:
- [grpcurl][grpcurl]
- [protoc][protoc]
- connectivity to a Starlink Dishy's gRPC service listening on the default address (
To regenerate the code:
go generate
This calls protoc.sh. For more information on protoc.sh, see the inline documentation in the script.
[grpcurl]: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/fullstorydev/grpcurl
[protoc]: https://grpc.io/docs/protoc-installation/
[reflection]: https://grpc.github.io/grpc/cpp/md_doc_server-reflection.html